Thursday, April 19, 2007

Night of All Nations

April 20 will be the date for Night of All Nations in UNR.

Below will be the article

UNR students cook up a trip around the globe

Members of the Taiwan Culture and Student Association, Antony Chen, Sylvia Liu and Min-Hsin Lee, display Egg Lu-Dan, Pork Rou-zao-fan and the milk tea Nai-cha on Wednesday at Liu’s apartment.

The 600 boiled eggs for Lu-Dan have been soaked in soy sauce and sugar.
Eight huge pots of the ground pork dish called Rou-zao-fan are ready to crown fluffy mounds of rice and to be washed down with 25 gallons of Nai-cha, a sweet milk tea.
Preparing food for 5,000 guests isn't easy, but the international students at the University of Nevada, Reno have been busy fixing the speciality dishes for the public to sample at Friday's 25th annual Night of All Nations.

"Sometimes, it's hard to cook for so many," said Alfred Lee, vice president of the Taiwan Culture and Students Association that was in charge of the boiled eggs, pork and milk recipes.

"That's why we divide the cooking among the group and do it at different houses," said Lee, an information systems major. "It's a fun activity to introduce our culture to other people, and our government supports us with information to hand out."

Since its inception, Night of All Nations has grown from a small event that drew several hundred people to one of the largest multicultural events in the nation.
"Last year, about 3,900 people came, and this year we expect 5,000," said Navgeet Zed, event chairman.

The event will be from 6 to
9 p.m. at the Lawlor Events Center.
Previously, samples of the foods from various countries were served starting at one specific time. This year, the foods will be served in four different shifts on the hour, starting at
6 p.m. and with the last serving starting at 9 p.m.

"We're trying to ration out the food so everyone can enjoy it," Zed, a senior majoring in electrical engineering, said.

Those who come to the event will be given a sample taste of the various exotic dishes.
Zed said the event will include dancers from Turkey, Africa and Nepal, a musical performance from Japan and a finale by Controlled Burn, a group of fire dancers.
Susan Bender, UNR director of international students and scholars, said the event gives the community an opportunity to learn about different cultures.

"Being able to meet and get to know people from around the world is extremely important today," Bender said.

"It's an eye-opening experience to learn about the different ways of communicating and of looking at the world. If we ever hope to work together on issues that affect the entire world, like the environmental crisis, we need to gain those skills to learn to work together effectively," she said.

To commemorate its 25th year, Night of All Nations will feature 25 free activities as part of the admission price.

"You can learn calligraphy, various dances and how to make mosaics," Zed said. "We will also have a time capsule booth where we will record memories from the event that night for the years to come."

High school students and children of all ages can take part in the same free activities and learn about different countries from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday at Lawlor.

"We started doing that last year in an effort to reach out to the entire community," Zed said.
Pauline Filemoni, UNR international student adviser, said Night of All Nations is the largest multicultural event in the Western region and possibly the nation.

"I don't think there is any other event of this scale in the nation," she said. "I know UCLA (the University of California, Los Angeles) has one that brings in about 1,000 people, and Hawaii has a weeklong event, but its biggest night only has about 500 people."
Night of All Nations usually is a break-even event, Filemoni said. It made about $6,000 from ticket sales last year, but the students are reimbursed for the cost of the food they must prepare. There also are assorted expenses associated with media equipment set up for the performances and other items.

The Associated Students of the University of Nevada helped cover the discounted rental of the Lawlor Events Center this year, Filemoni said. Fundraisers also were held before the event to help with the costs, and Best Buy donated $4,000, she said.

"I think this can be a signature event for this campus," Filemoni said. "It has always been student-led. That's what I love about it."

Thursday, March 22, 2007

內華達大學雷諾校區 University of Nevada, Reno

本文轉錄於內華達大學雷諾校區 化學系 博士班 Staph Lee's blog ( )

內華達大學雷諾校區 University of Nevada, Reno (UNR)既然台灣學生對於University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) 不熟悉…我看我就來寫個UNR的簡介好了…(雷諾在其他網頁譯名:里諾,利諾!?)正如其名…UNR就是在內華達洲的雷諾市區…其地理位置圖片請看網誌中的 --內華達的雷諾城-- 一文…

內華達大學雷諾校區(University of Nevada, Reno)於1874年創校…

全校人數大約一萬六千多人…位於加州與內華達州的交界上(離加州邊境約15分鐘車程)…在舊金山的東北東方…離知名的世界級滑雪場和風景區--太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)約45分鐘的車程…離加州首府-沙加緬度(Sacramento) 2小時… 4小時便可到達舊金山(San Francisco)… 氣候適度的乾燥…白天日照較強…夜晚較涼…四季分明…內華達雷諾大學University of Nevada, Reno 位在多樣化的地理位置上…附近山景壯觀…因此可方便學生從事多樣化的休閒娛樂…此外還有滑雪..划船..登山…高山腳踏車…高爾夫等可供選擇…雷諾城治安良好…並提供娛樂購物等生活機能…

說到吃…Reno市區有數不清的選擇…有各國不同的料理(韓國菜..日本菜..中國菜..泰國..印度菜等等..當然還有美國菜啦..@@~)…還有到處都是的Buffet 吃到飽…還有壽司吃到飽喔….比起傳統美國餐廳的食物..例如:漢堡..薯條..沙拉吧..馬鈴薯泥..噁 ~~)…. 價錢大多在5-20元之內….真的是質量好又很便宜…買菜的大型超市請見下一段--衣的部份

生活機能真的超方便…銀行..超市保險公司..車商..都超多, 且都很密集…距離超近(在3 miles左右)….例如…美國銀行(Bank of America)在2 miles以內就有五間….少見的花旗銀行也距離大概2-3 miles…美國最大的超市Walmart在附近就有五間…其他的大型超市(例如: Winco, Sak'n Save, Raley's, Safeway 等等)也是遍佈整個Reno. 此外Reno-Sparks都會區的Costco就有兩間. 此外, 過季名牌店也是很多, 例如: T.j.maxx, Ross, Marshalls等等, 這些店大多賣衣服,鞋子,包包,廚具,寢具,裝飾品等, 在台灣是名牌的Celvin Klein, Polo, Guess, Coach, Ninewest, Nike, Levis等等, 在這裡都可以看到喔. 如果是要去大型的Outlet, 大概離Reno兩三個小時的車程往加州去, 就有好幾間.

學校附近的房子很多…價錢從三百多到五六百都有….上學很方便…如果住在學校附近或是市中心(學校就在市區啦!!)….有免費的巴士Sierra Spirit 黃色公車(小黃)可搭乘….如果住的離學校稍遠…RTC公車大部分都有到達…頂多10-15分鐘就可以到學校….

公車(RTC)發達…密密麻麻的公車路線分佈整個Reno-Sparks都會區…此外…在市中心的Sierra Spirit 黃色公車(小黃)是免費的喔….10分鐘一班次….帶你從繞整個downtown一圈….. Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO)機場離市中心很近大約十五分鐘的車程…..RTC大眾交通和Sierra Spirit黃色公車(小黃)的網站:

(其他有關Reno雷諾市的介紹請看網誌中的 --內華達的雷諾城-- 一文…)


根據U.S. News & World Report 2002年的報導…內華達雷諾大學University of Nevada, Reno連續13年名列美國年度最佳學院之列…此外…經美國教授協會評估為”Class 1”的學術研究機構…學校的目前校地12500 acres….逐年擴大且新的大樓一直在增加當中…在2010之前…學校花了3億美金的建設即將陸續完成..(例如: 新的學生活動中心即將在2007秋季完成..新的圖書館資訊大樓即將在2008年完成..新的科學大樓也預計在2009年完工…等等 )…近十年來…學校的知名度和設備更新快速…是全美進步最快的校園之一…

新聞學院(Reynolds School of Journalism): 至今產生了六個普立茲獎得主(Pulitzer Prize winners)…
商學管學院的supply chain management program 被Fortune500companies評為全美前十..
水文科學(hydrologic sciences program): 全美第八…
化學系: 美國科學會(NSF)評為very best根據其系的規模….(尤其是物理化學)…其網頁上寫是全美同等或較小規模的化學系排名第二…
有關礦產的工程科系: (當初Nevada就是以盛產礦物出名…引來淘金熱)
地震學Seismology program
地質系: 大學教育全美第五…..
地球科學系土木工程系醫學院: 以family medicine最為著名…
其他如: logistics program後勤運輸學, 動物生物科技學animal biotechnology program, 農業研究學agricultural research program, Natural Sciences自然科學,政治學,藝術也都不錯…..

(語言學校)創辦於1982年的IELC語言課程…是University of Nevada, Reno為了提供給國際學生及當地想要學習或是進修英文的學子們…最好的進步的方法…University of Nevada, Reno 除了提供優良的學習環境之外…並且也著重於課程內容的設計…是國際學生學習英文的好選擇…語言學校的國際學生當中...日本人最多..再來是韓國人...接下來就是大陸和台灣人...





本文轉錄於內華達大學雷諾校區 化學系 博士班 Staph Lee's blog ( )

Reno, Nevada 內華達州的雷諾城 ---

關於Reno的照片可以參觀Staph Lee的相簿

雷諾(Reno)位於內華達州北部…是內華達州的第二大城市(僅次於拉斯維加斯Las Vegas)…被稱為---世界上最大的小城市(The biggest little city in the world)…Reno位於內華達與加州的交界處..離Sacramento和San Francisco都滿近的....其地理位置優越…交通便利…生活機能方便…市中心離機場Reno-Tahoe International Airport只要10-15分鐘…一切設施應有盡有…近年來...雷諾面對著高速的經濟增長...由於生活成本比起相鄰的加州的大部分地區要低...成為很多加州居民移民的首選之地…所以雷諾逐掀起一股房地產熱潮...大型的建築工程於雷諾隨處可見...房價亦同時地以幾何級數遞升...於2006年...雷諾-史派克斯城區(Reno-Sparks)已成為全美國最高樓價的城區之一...

另外雷諾是僅次於拉斯維加斯的美國第二大賭城…特別是假日…成千上萬遊客湧進這裏…霓虹燈照亮整個城市…大型賭場和著名的雷諾拱門都在其主要街道Virginia St.上…還有...著名的Harrah's 博彩業(就是賭博業啦!!)...就是從Reno發跡的喔~~ 全世界最大的角子機製造商國際遊戲科技公司 (International Game Technology,簡稱IGT)的總部所在地也是設於此....
Nevada的賭博業最早是從Reno開始的...早在1960年代之前...雷諾市是全世界最著名的賭城...後來才在南邊發展拉斯維加斯...沒有雷諾就沒有現在的拉斯維加斯...面對拉斯維加斯的崛起, Reno這個舊城區備受威脅,後來市府決定舊城革新以及舉辦一系列的活動來吸引遊客,此舉成功的把遊客吸引到此觀光. Reno市中心常會舉辦很多活動…像是古董車展(來自全美各地上千輛的古董車展,飛車表演和五六十年代的音樂回覽)..熱氣球競賽..重型機車及哈雷機車展..全國飛行錦標賽(飛行特技表演..世上唯一一處可欣賞特技飛行表演,軍用飛機展示,以及飛行比賽)...射擊表演...牛仔競技比賽 Reno Rodeo(the World's Wildest and Richest)...每年七月到八月的太浩湖莎士比亞戲劇節...小型賽車...保齡球比賽...等等…

愛好古董車的朋友…絕對不能錯過位於雷諾的國家汽車博物館(The National Automobile Museum)…建於1989年的汽車博物館收藏著各類型大小汽車1200多輛...此外...這邊的歌劇院(Pioneer Center)常常會上演百老匯的歌劇…有時候學生票才十幾元勒…超級便宜…喜歡看歌劇的人不可錯過…此外還有音樂劇,交響樂, 美術館(Nevada Museum of Art),保齡球館(The National Bowling Stadium), Magic Underground的Magic Show, Reno Ghost Walk, 內華達的石頭藝術, 內華達大學校園內的天文學館(Fleischmann Planetarium)等等….



Nevada Rock Art:

至於雷諾的週遭: (太多了…想到或看到再補充)
附近的維吉尼亞城是西部傳統風味的淘金小鎮…遊客可自費參加淘金活動…此外…全球最深的天然靜水湖太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)距離雷諾市45分鐘…湖水清澈透明可見度達百米…周圍森林茂密…環境優美…太浩湖湖水清澈碧藍…終年不結冰…四周是終年積雪覆蓋的山…湖邊高聳入雲的參天古松…富有歷史風味的採礦小鎮…美國印第安原住民的歌舞慶典…以及在皚皚雪山下聳立著金碧輝煌的大型酒店和一流的高爾夫球場…所有的一切美得令人窒息…內華達州是北美地區最著名的滑雪勝地…主要就集中在雷諾-太浩湖一帶…一邊在設施完好的雪道上滑雪…一邊欣賞太浩湖的美景…是一種完美的享受…

Reno is:
1. In the latest list of top 25 U.S. towns with the least long-term particle pollution - American Lung Association
2. #1 of Best Places to do Business in America – Inc. Magazine
3. The third best place to live in the U.S. for 2005 – Men’s Journal Magazine
4. The Best Small City in America for Small Business – Dun and Bradstreet and Entrepreneur Magazine
5. Among America’s Top Three Booming Towns – Fortune Magazine
6. Among the top 150 Cities to Combine Fulfilling Job and Quality of Life – Life 2.0 by Forbes
7. Among the top Cities for Quality of Life and Business-Friendly Atmosphere – Time Magazine
8. Among the Top 10 Best Places to Live – Cities Ranked and Rated

(關於Reno的照片可以參觀Staph Lee的相簿)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This is new blog for Taiwan Culture and Students Association in University of Nevada, Reno .

We all students from Taiwan.

We welcome all new students from Taiwan.

We also welcome all of people who wants to know more Taiwan Culture .